How Long Can an Estate Remain in Probate


Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on September 07, 2023

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Overview of the Probate Process

Probate is the legal procedure that takes place after a person's death to ensure that their will is valid, their debts are paid, and their assets are properly distributed to their heirs or beneficiaries.

The process is typically administered by a probate court and overseen by an executor named in the will or an administrator appointed by the court if there's no will.

The probate process begins when a person, often referred to as the decedent, passes away. The executor or the administrator files a petition with the probate court to initiate the process. This includes presenting the original will (if any) and death certificate.

The court then formally appoints the executor or administrator to carry out the decedent's wishes as stated in the will or, if there's no will, according to the state's laws of intestacy.

During the probate process, the decedent's assets are inventoried and appraised. Any outstanding debts, such as taxes or creditor claims, are paid from the estate.

Once all debts have been settled, the remaining assets are distributed to the heirs or beneficiaries according to the will or state law.

How Long Can an Estate Remain in Probate?

The duration an estate remains in probate can significantly vary depending on several factors. On average, the probate process takes 1 to 2 years, but complex estates can take even longer.

Factors influencing this timeframe include the size and complexity of the estate, disputes among heirs, the court's workload, and tax issues.

Sometimes, resolving outstanding debts, identifying and notifying creditors, selling assets, or dealing with unique property types can prolong the process.

If there's an ongoing lawsuit involving the estate, this can also extend the duration. It's crucial to consult with an experienced probate attorney to navigate the process effectively and within the shortest possible time.

Factors That Can Extend the Duration of Probate

Size and Complexity of the Estate

Larger estates with more assets can take longer to administer than smaller ones. It can take significant time to locate and appraise all assets, especially if they're diverse (real estate, business interests, foreign assets) or not immediately apparent.

Disputes or Contesting of the Will

If someone disputes the validity of the will or its terms, the probate process can be significantly delayed. Disputes can take months or even years to resolve, depending on the complexity of the issues and the willingness of the parties to settle.

Inefficiency or Mismanagement by the Executor

If the executor is not diligent, organized, or competent in their duties, it can delay the process. Missed deadlines, incomplete paperwork, poor communication with beneficiaries, or improper management of assets can all contribute to extending the probate timeline.

Legal Complications or Creditors' Claims

Sometimes, the decedent may leave behind debts or legal issues that need to be resolved. The executor must notify all known creditors and publish a notice of death to give unknown creditors a chance to file claims.

Resolving these issues can take time, and if a creditor's claim is disputed, it can lead to further delays.

Factors That Can Extend the Duration of Probate

Financial Impact on the Estate and Beneficiaries

Prolonged probate processes can significantly impact the estate and its beneficiaries. The costs of probate, including court fees, legal expenses, appraisal costs, and executor's fees, are generally paid out of the estate.

The longer the probate process, the higher these costs tend to be. Further, a delay in asset distribution can impact beneficiaries who may be reliant on their inheritance for financial stability.

Legal Consequences of Not Completing Probate

Failure to properly complete the probate process can result in severe legal consequences. As a fiduciary of the estate, the executor could be held personally liable for any unpaid estate debts or unsatisfied claims.

This could also lead to lawsuits from creditors or beneficiaries, resulting in additional legal costs and potential personal financial loss.

Role of Probate Courts in Ensuring Timely Completion

Probate courts play a vital role in overseeing the process and ensuring it is completed in a timely manner.

The courts enforce probate laws and rules, set deadlines, and resolve disputes. Executors are required to report to the court regularly and may face penalties for delays or mismanagement.

Strategies to Avoid or Expedite Probate

Creating a Living Trust

A living trust, also known as a revocable trust, can be an effective tool for avoiding probate. In a living trust, assets are transferred to a trust during the individual's lifetime.

Upon death, the assets are managed and distributed by a trustee, according to the terms of the trust.

Since these assets are technically no longer part of the individual's estate, they bypass the probate process.

Joint Ownership of Property

Joint ownership with the right of survivorship can allow assets to avoid probate. When one owner dies, the property automatically passes to the surviving owner without the need for probate.

Payable-On-Death Accounts and Registrations

Some assets, like bank accounts or securities, can be registered as "payable on death" (POD) or "transfer on death" (TOD). This allows these assets to be transferred directly to the named beneficiaries upon the owner's death, avoiding probate.

Gifting Assets During Lifetime

One way to avoid probate is by reducing the size of the estate while still alive. This can be done by gifting assets to heirs or beneficiaries, subject to the annual gift tax exclusion amount.

Strategies to Avoid or Expedite Probate

Professional Assistance for Managing Probate

Role of a Probate Attorney

A probate attorney is a legal professional who advises executors and beneficiaries during the probate process.

Their duties may include helping with court filings, advising on legal issues, assisting with asset inventory and appraisal, resolving disputes, and helping with estate taxes.

When to Consider Hiring a Probate Attorney

Hiring a probate attorney might be necessary when the estate is large or complex, when there's a possibility of a will contest, or when there are significant debts or tax issues.

Additionally, an executor may consider hiring an attorney if they feel overwhelmed by the probate process or wish to ensure they're fulfilling their fiduciary duties correctly.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Hiring a Professional

Hiring a probate attorney can be costly, but it's often worth the expense. The expertise of a probate attorney can help avoid legal pitfalls, resolve disputes quickly, and potentially save the estate money in the long run.

Executors should weigh the potential costs against the benefits to determine whether hiring a probate attorney is the right choice for their specific situation.

The Bottom Line

Probate duration varies with factors such as estate size, disputes, executor efficiency, and legal complications, usually lasting between 1-2 years. Extended probate can increase costs and delay asset distribution, impacting beneficiaries financially.

Proper execution of probate duties is essential to avoid personal liabilities and lawsuits. Probate courts ensure the process is timely and resolve disputes.

Avoiding or expediting probate can be accomplished through strategies such as creating a living trust, joint ownership of property, payable-on-death accounts, or gifting assets.

A probate attorney's assistance can be invaluable in navigating complex estates or potential disputes, despite the associated costs.

Carefully considering these factors and strategies can alleviate the probate process's challenges, ensuring a smoother transition of assets.

How Long Can an Estate Remain in Probate FAQs


About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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