What to Look For in a Financial Advisor

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on February 06, 2024

Are You Retirement Ready?

What Is a Financial Advisor?

A financial advisor is a professional who guides and advises clients on various aspects of their finances, including investments, retirement, tax, insurance, and estate planning.

Financial advisors can work for banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies or be self-employed. They can specialize in specific areas or offer a range of services.

When managing our finances, most of us could use a little help. Financial advisors are professionals who can assist us with making financial decisions and managing our money.

Selecting the appropriate financial advisor can be challenging since not all advisors are equivalent in expertise and quality of service.

Choosing the right financial advisor is essential because it can significantly impact your financial future. A good financial advisor can help you achieve your financial goals, minimize risks, and maximize your returns.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to help you understand what to look for in a financial advisor.

Credentials and Certifications to Look for in a Financial Advisor

Credentials and certifications are essential indicators of a financial advisor's qualifications and expertise. Here are some of the most common certifications and what they mean:

  • Personal Financial Specialist (PFS): A PFS certification indicates that a financial advisor has demonstrated competency in financial planning areas such as taxes, investments, retirement planning, and estate planning, similar to the CFP certification.

When choosing a financial advisor, checking their credentials and certifications is essential to ensure they have the qualifications and expertise to provide the services you need.

Previous Experience of the Financial Advisor

Experience is another crucial factor to consider when selecting a financial advisor. Here are some factors to inquire about when evaluating a financial advisor's experience:

  • Years of Experience: How long has the financial advisor been in practice? While experience alone does not guarantee the quality, a financial advisor with several years of experience has likely worked with many clients and encountered various financial situations, making them more adept at handling complex financial matters.

  • Types of Clients Served: What is the financial advisor's target market? Do they specialize in serving clients with specific needs or financial situations? For example, some financial advisors may specialize in working with high-net-worth individuals, while others may focus on helping young professionals build wealth.

  • Areas of Expertise: What are the financial advisor's areas of expertise? Do they have experience in the specific areas of financial planning that you require assistance with, such as retirement, estate, or tax planning?

  • Size of the Firm: What is the size of the firm that the financial advisor works for? Do they have a team of professionals that can provide additional support and expertise, or are they solo practitioners? The firm's size can impact the level of service and expertise a financial advisor can provide.

Investment Philosophy and Strategy of the Financial Advisor

Another critical factor to consider when choosing a financial advisor is their investment philosophy and strategy. Here are some questions to ask when evaluating a financial advisor's investment approach:

  • Risk Tolerance: What is the financial advisor's approach to risk? Are they conservative, moderate, or aggressive? A good financial advisor should consider your risk tolerance and investment goals when developing an investment strategy.

  • Investment Approach: Does the financial advisor have a particular investment approach, such as value investing, growth investing, or income investing? How do they evaluate investments and determine which ones to include in their client's portfolios?

  • Portfolio Management: How does the financial advisor manage clients' portfolios? Do they use a buy-and-hold strategy, actively manage the portfolio, or combine both? How often do they rebalance the portfolio?

  • Fees and Costs: What are the fees and costs associated with the financial advisor's investment approach? How do they charge for their services? Are there any hidden fees or costs that you should be aware of?

Communication and Accessibility of the Financial Advisor

Communication and accessibility are essential when choosing a financial advisor. Here are some questions to ask when evaluating a financial advisor's communication and accessibility:

  • Frequency and Format of Communication: How often does the financial advisor communicate with their clients? What is the communication format, such as in-person meetings, phone calls, or email? Do they provide regular updates on portfolio performance and financial planning matters?

  • Accessibility and Responsiveness: How accessible is the financial advisor? Can you reach them easily when you have a question or concern? How quickly do they respond to client inquiries?

  • Client Reviews and Testimonials: What do other clients say about the financial advisor's communication and accessibility? Do they have positive reviews and testimonials?

Other Considerations When Choosing a Financial Advisor

In addition to the factors mentioned above, here are some other considerations to keep in mind when choosing a financial advisor:

  • Ethics and Professionalism: Does the financial advisor adhere to a code of ethics and professionally conduct themselves? Are they transparent about their fees and services?

  • Technology and Tools: What technology and tools does the financial advisor use to manage their clients' finances? Do they use modern tools to enhance the client experience, such as online account management or financial planning software?

  • Compensation Model: How does the financial advisor get paid? Do they charge a fee for their services or receive commissions for selling financial products? Understanding the financial advisor's compensation model and its impact on their recommendations.

  • Geographic Location: Does the financial advisor work with clients in your geographic location? Some financial advisors may only work with clients in specific regions, so ensuring they can provide the services you need in your area is vital.

What to Look For in a Financial Advisor


Choosing the right financial advisor is crucial for your financial future.

It is essential to consider their credentials, experience, investment philosophy, strategy, communication and accessibility, and other essential factors before deciding.

By evaluating multiple options, you can make an informed decision about which financial advisor is the best fit for you.

Hiring a financial advisor can provide guidance, advice, and expertise to help you achieve your financial goals and secure your future. With their help, you can minimize risks, maximize returns, and make sound financial decisions.

If you are ready to take the next step toward securing your financial future, we encourage you to hire a qualified financial advisor today.

Do not hesitate to ask questions, evaluate multiple options, and choose a financial advisor that best fits your needs. With their help, you can take control of your finances and build a brighter financial future.

What to Look For in a Financial Advisor FAQs

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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