Instructions on Filling Out Form SF-1199a


Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on March 29, 2023

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Form SF-1199a refers to the direct deposit sign-up form used by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Direct deposits refer to the electronic transfer of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits into recipients' bank accounts.

The form contains the necessary information for the SSA to set up direct deposits into a bank account.

What Is Contained in Form SF-1199a?

The form consists of three sections namely: payee's details, government agency's details, and financial institution's details.

The form is to be accomplished in three copies: a record for the pensioner or beneficiary, for the government agency, and for the financial institution.

Who Needs to Fill Out Form SF-1199a?

This form is to be filled out by anyone who is entitled to receive benefits in the form of direct deposit payments from a government agency.

These benefits may come from the Social Security Administration, Veterans Affairs, or Civil Service.

Typically, retirees, spouses of deceased retirees, military, or qualified disabled persons are the ones who receive benefits in the form of direct deposit payments.

Filling Out Form SF-1199a

The form must be filled out in English and it could be typewritten or handwritten as long as it is legible and free of mistakes.

Section 1: Payee's Details

This section has seven sub-sections:

  • Name of Payee
    This part contains the complete name of the payee or the person entitled to receive the benefits. It is structured in the last name-first name-middle initial format. Also included in this section is the complete address, along with the contact information of the payee.

    In the case of minors or persons with disabilities, the representative payee's name should be reflected in this portion. Representative payee refers to the person appointed by the SSA to receive benefits on behalf of a minor or disabled adult.

  • Name of Person(s)
    Entitled to Payment This is simply the name of the person entitled to the benefit. So in the case of minors or persons with disabilities, it should be their name that should be reflected in this portion and not that of the representative payee.

  • Claim or Payroll ID Number
    This data is usually found in the benefit award letter. It contains a prefix and a suffix. In some cases, the social security number or employer identification number may be filled out on this part.

  • Type of Depositor Account
    A checkmark is simply to be placed on the appropriate box identifying what type of account the direct deposit funds are to be transferred to. This can either be a savings or a checking account.

  • Depositor Account Number
    This section requires the account number of the payee. Make sure to fill this out correctly so that there will be no delays in the processing of the direct deposit.

  • Type of Payment
    Check the appropriate box which identifies the kind of payment you are getting from the government agency. This can be either a social security benefit, supplemental security income, civil service retirement, and others.

  • This Box for Allotment of Payment Only
    Simply put here the type and amount if applicable.

Below these seven sub-sections are the payee/joint payee certification and joint account holder's certification.

Read on the instructions before affixing your signature and the date when the document was signed.

Section 2: Government Agency's Details

In this section, you are simply to fill out the name of the government agency from where the benefits are coming from along with its address.

Section 3: Financial Institution's Details

In this section, the complete name and complete address of the financial institution to receive the payments are to be filled out.

The financial institution's routing number, along with the enrolled account name, should also be placed here.

The bottom part of this section is the certification from the financial institution which would require the representative's name, signature, telephone number, and date when the form was signed.

The representative is usually the manager of the financial institution or any officer authorized to give information about the account.

Submitting Form SF-1199a

After accomplishing the form in three copies, one copy then needs to be sent to the government agency processing the benefit.

The safest way to send them a copy is through the mail.

Make sure to leave a copy for yourself and another copy for the financial institution to receive the payment.

In some cases, you may just accomplish one and have the other copies photocopied.

Common Mistakes in Filling Out Form SF-1199a

Below are some of the most common mistakes people make in accomplishing this form.

Make sure to watch out for them:

  • Wrong name or address in any of the sections
  • Incorrect social security number or employer identification number
  • Not specifying the type of account where the payment is to be deposited
  • Wrong type of account
  • Incorrect account number
  • Not signing and dating the form

To make sure you are getting all the information right, double-check everything before signing and submitting the form.

You may also ask for the assistance of your bank in accomplishing the form.

The Bottom Line

In this day and age, more and more people are becoming familiar with what a direct deposit is all about.

However, if you lack knowledge on how to fill out the form correctly and may need some help in getting things right, your bank can help you go through the form and answer any concerns that you may have regarding the process.

Be sure to request help specifically from someone who has been trained to use Form SF-1199a so that you can be confident in the accuracy of the form and its submission.

Form SF-1199a FAQs


About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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