Are Simple IRA Plans Subject to ERISA Rules?

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on June 06, 2024

Are You Retirement Ready?

Overview of ERISA Applicability to SIMPLE IRAs

Enacted in 1974, ERISA is a federal law designed to protect the interests of individuals participating in most voluntarily established pension and health plans in the private sector.

It does this by setting minimum standards for various aspects of plan management, including participation, vesting, benefit accrual, and funding.

ERISA also holds fiduciaries, those who manage plan assets, to a high standard of responsibility, requiring them to act solely in the best interest of plan participants and their beneficiaries.

These comprehensive measures aim to ensure that plan funds are handled responsibly and that promised benefits are delivered upon retirement, providing essential safeguards for employees' retirement savings.

SIMPLE IRAs are subject to ERISA rules. However, they are exempt from some of the more complex administrative requirements that apply to other plans, such as 401(k)s. This is because SIMPLE IRAs are intended to be simpler and easier for small businesses to administer.

ERISA's oversight of SIMPLE IRAs aims to balance between providing necessary consumer protections and ensuring that these plans remain accessible and affordable for small employers.

Key Erisa Rules That Cover Simple IRAs

Reporting and Disclosure

For SIMPLE IRAs, reporting and disclosure requirements focus on providing clear, concise information to participants.

The Summary Plan Description (SPD) must clearly outline eligibility requirements, contribution limits for both employees and employers, immediate vesting provisions, and distribution rules specific to SIMPLE IRAs.

Annual Reports (Form 5500-SF) are simplified compared to other retirement plans, requiring basic information about plan participation, contributions, assets, and administrative expenses.

Participants must also be promptly notified of any material changes to the plan, ensuring they stay informed about their retirement savings.

Fiduciary Responsibility

In the context of SIMPLE IRAs, fiduciary responsibility involves careful consideration of the limited investment options typically offered. Employers and plan administrators must ensure these options are diversified and suitable for the plan's participants.

Regular investment performance monitoring is essential, with necessary changes to protect participants' interests. Fiduciaries must also avoid conflicts of interest when selecting and monitoring investment options, always prioritizing the best interests of the participants.

Participant Rights

SIMPLE IRA participants should receive clear and concise information about their plan, including the SPD, annual reports, and any notices of plan changes.

They are entitled to receive benefits according to the plan's terms, including the right to roll over their account balance upon leaving the employer.

If participants believe their rights have been violated or their assets mishandled, they have the right to sue plan fiduciaries for breaches of fiduciary duty.


One significant advantage of SIMPLE IRAs is the immediate vesting of all contributions, both employee and employer.

Participants own their entire account balance from day one, regardless of how long they stay with the employer, offering them greater flexibility and security in their retirement savings.


The Department of Labor (DOL) oversees ERISA rules for SIMPLE IRAs, ensuring that employers and fiduciaries comply with reporting, disclosure, fiduciary, and participant rights requirements.

This oversight helps maintain the integrity and fairness of SIMPLE IRAs as a retirement savings option.

Key ERISA Rules That Cover Simple IRAs

How SIMPLE IRA Plans Work

Eligibility Criteria

Employees are eligible to participate if they have earned at least $5,000 in compensation from their employer during any two preceding calendar years and are expected to earn at least $5,000 in the current year.

Employers can lower these thresholds, allowing more employees to participate, but they cannot set more restrictive requirements.

The primary criterion for employers is that the business must have 100 or fewer employees. Additionally, employers cannot maintain any other retirement plan to which contributions are made or benefits accrued during the year.

Employers may also choose to exclude certain groups, such as employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement and non-resident aliens with no U.S. source income.

Contribution Rules and Limits

Employees can make pre-tax contributions up to $16,000 in 2024, with an additional $3,500 catch-up contribution allowed for those aged 50 and older. On the employer's side, contributions are mandatory, but there's flexibility in how they're structured.

Employers can choose to match employee contributions dollar-for-dollar, up to 3% of the employee's compensation.

Alternatively, if they opt not to match, they must make a non-elective contribution of 2% of each eligible employee's compensation, up to $345,000 in compensation for 2024.

This ensures that all employees, regardless of their contribution level, receive some level of employer-sponsored retirement savings.

Withdrawal and Rollover Guidelines

Withdrawals from SIMPLE IRA Plans are subject to income taxes. Withdrawals taken before age 59 ½ are generally subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty in addition to regular income taxes.

However, this penalty increases to 25% if the withdrawal occurs within the first two years of participating in the SIMPLE IRA plan.

Rollovers from a SIMPLE IRA to another IRA are permitted without penalty, but only after two years from the first contribution date. These rules encourage long-term savings and ensure the funds are primarily used for retirement.

Tax Implications and Benefits

Contributions to a SIMPLE IRA are made with pre-tax dollars, meaning the amount contributed is deducted from the employee's annual taxable income. This directly reduces their income tax liability.

Additionally, the investments within the SIMPLE IRA grow tax-deferred, meaning there are no annual taxes on investment gains. Upon retirement, withdrawals from the account are taxed as ordinary income.

For employers, their contributions to employees' SIMPLE IRAs are tax-deductible business expenses. Overall, the tax advantages of SIMPLE IRAs make them an attractive option for both employees and employers.

How SIMPLE IRA Plans Work

Best Practices for SIMPLE IRA Plan Administration

Establish Clear Communication Channels With Employees

Open communication is vital for successful SIMPLE IRA plans. When employees understand the plan details, their rights, and responsibilities, engagement boosts.

Employers should prioritize clear, accessible information about enrollment, contributions, and plan changes, empowering employees to manage their retirement savings. Regular updates and resources further support informed decision-making.

The goal is a transparent, supportive environment encouraging active employee participation in securing their financial futures.

Regularly Review and Update the Plan Documents

Evolving regulations and business needs necessitate regular review and updates of SIMPLE IRA plan documents. This ensures ongoing compliance, effectiveness, and alignment with employer and employee needs.

Periodic reviews can identify areas for improvement. Updates may involve changes to contributions, investments, or eligibility, which should be clearly communicated to participants. This proactive approach maintains a resilient and adaptable retirement plan.

Ensure Timely Contributions and Accurate Record Keeping

Employers should prioritize adhering to the agreed-upon contribution schedule to maintain employee trust and engagement in their retirement planning.

Accurate tracking of contributions and eligibility changes is also vital, safeguarding against potential disputes.

Provide Ongoing Education and Resources to Participants

Employers can offer workshops, counseling, or online resources to achieve this. The goal is to equip employees with the knowledge and tools needed for effective retirement planning, covering investment basics, risks, rewards, and long-term strategies.

An informed workforce is more engaged and proactive in retirement planning, benefiting employees and employers.

Conduct Periodic Compliance Checks and Audits

These checks identify potential issues before they escalate, and can be conducted internally or by external experts. Audits should review contribution limits, deposits, plan adherence, and reporting.

Promptly addressing compliance issues avoids penalties and maintains plan integrity, demonstrating a commitment to high administrative standards.

Best Practices for SIMPLE IRA Plan Administration

Final Thoughts

SIMPLE IRA Plans offer a unique blend of simplicity and effectiveness for small businesses, providing a streamlined approach to retirement savings.

While these plans enjoy certain exemptions from the stringent ERISA rules, they still adhere to some of its core principles, balancing ease of administration with the safeguarding of employee interests.

Key features such as higher contribution limits, immediate eligibility, and less burdensome administrative and fiduciary responsibilities make SIMPLE IRA Plans an attractive option.

However, employers must remain vigilant in their compliance, particularly with contribution rules and periodic reviews.

Ultimately, understanding the nuances between SIMPLE IRA Plans and ERISA rules is crucial for both employers and employees, ensuring informed decisions and effective retirement planning.

Are Simple IRA Plans Subject to ERISA Rules? FAQs

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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