Downsizing Tips for Retirees

Written by Taylor Kovar

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on December 20, 2023

Are You Retirement Ready?

In retirement, downsizing refers to a deliberate and strategic reduction in one's living space, possessions, and financial commitments.

For many, it is an opportunity to cut expenses, clear out life's clutter, and concentrate on what's genuinely important.

Yet, successful downsizing requires thoughtful planning and decision-making. It's more than just a property sale and move; it's a series of informed choices that align with retirement aspirations, health requirements, and personal preferences.

When executed properly, downsizing can be a gateway to a rewarding, relaxed retirement lifestyle. However, when not done properly, the pitfalls can be significant.

One common pitfall is overestimating the value of your current home or underestimating the costs associated with your new one. Without a realistic assessment, you could find yourself financially strained in retirement.

With years of experience guiding retirees through this critical phase, I’ve compiled below nine indispensable tips to make your downsizing journey as smooth and beneficial as possible.

Tip # 1: Be Informed About Market Trends

Gain a solid understanding of the real estate market by researching property values, demand, and trends in your current and potential new location.

This knowledge helps in timing the sale of your existing home and making an informed decision on the new purchase.

Real estate websites like,, and provide property value and market data, while local real estate associations offer regional insights.

National associations such as the National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Home Builders provide broader market research, and real estate news websites like Inman and The Wall Street Journal cover industry trends.

You can also follow real estate experts on social media and forums, listen to real estate podcasts for expert insights, and stay informed through local news, magazines, and government reports.

Tip # 2: Seek Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice early in the downsizing process is crucial to avoid costly and possibly irreversible mistakes.

Real estate experts and financial advisors can help navigate the complexities of downsizing. Our insights can help you understand market conditions, evaluate your property's worth, and plan your finances effectively.

We can also assist in identifying suitable properties, negotiating deals, and managing legal aspects. This step is vital in making informed decisions that align with your retirement goals and financial security.

Tip # 3: Assess Your Home’s Value Realistically

Accurately gauging your home's value is essential when downsizing. Begin by avoiding assumptions based on neighborhood sales or fluctuating market conditions.

Utilize online tools like or to get recent sales data in your area, and consider estimates from online estimators of major banks like Bank of America or Chase, keeping in mind they may use different valuation formulas.

For a more personalized assessment, consult with several local real estate agents or an independent appraiser. They can offer realistic market value insights, tempered against overly optimistic projections.

Tip # 4: Research New Home Costs Thoroughly

Guard against assuming your next home will be a bargain. The reality is both your home’s buyers and your new home’s sellers are likely aiming for the best deal too.

Utilize the same tools mentioned above for researching home values to estimate what your new home might cost. Consider visiting the area you’re interested in, ideally during different seasons, to ensure its year-round appeal.

Tip # 5: Be Flexible With Housing Options

Consider a variety of housing options for your downsizing move. From smaller houses and condominiums to assisted living or active adult communities, each offers unique benefits and lifestyles.

Be open to exploring different types of housing, such as co-housing communities or even renting, which can offer flexibility and less financial burden.

Consider amenities, location, and proximity to healthcare, social activities, and family when evaluating these options. Flexibility in your housing choice can lead to a more satisfying and comfortable retirement.

Tip # 6: Understand Tax Implications

Recognizing the tax implications of selling your home is a critical aspect of downsizing.

For most couples, the IRS allows the exclusion of up to $500,000 in gains from taxable income, while singles can exclude up to $250,000, contingent on factors like ownership duration and residence time, detailed in IRS Publication 523.

If your gains exceed these thresholds or if you're not eligible for exclusions, consider a tax-loss harvesting strategy to offset gains with losses from stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

Beyond income tax on the sale, consider the tax landscape of your prospective new location. Some retirement havens may have high property taxes, while others might levy more on sales, income, or even pension income.

Before deciding, compare the income and property taxes between your current and potential new location, factoring in any age-related tax benefits.

Thoroughly investigating these aspects will help you gauge whether the move will decrease your tax burden or increase your overall tax expenses, impacting your retirement budget significantly.

Tip # 7: Prepare for Closing Costs

Closing costs can include legal fees, recording fees, title insurance, and various other charges.

As a seller, you may face real estate commissions, which can be up to 6% or more. It's wise to negotiate these commissions early on.

As a buyer, consider negotiating with sellers who might be willing to cover some closing costs. However, be aware that your home’s buyers may request similar concessions.

In any case, be prepared for significant expenses during the closing process, which will require careful financial planning.

Tip # 8: Forecast Future Expenses

Estimate monthly living costs, including utilities, maintenance, and property taxes, while considering potential increases. Budget for necessary home adaptations for aging, healthcare costs, and leisure activities.

Ensure the new location aligns with your lifestyle and includes a buffer for unexpected expenses. This foresight helps maintain financial stability and a fulfilling retirement lifestyle within a manageable budget.

Tip # 9: Rent Before You Buy

This step is transformative as it allows you to immerse yourself in the community and lifestyle firsthand, ensuring it aligns with your retirement expectations.

Renting acts as a low-risk test run, offering invaluable insights into the locality, living costs, and suitability of the area.

This informed approach greatly reduces the likelihood of regrettable decisions, making it a pivotal move in your downsizing journey.

The Bottomline

Downsizing in retirement isn't just about moving to a smaller space; it's a comprehensive strategy that encompasses financial, lifestyle, and emotional aspects. It's about making decisions that enhance your quality of life during your golden years.

From understanding market trends and seeking professional advice to realistically assessing your home’s value and exploring various housing options, each step is crucial.

Grasping tax implications and preparing for closing costs, while forecasting future expenses, ensures that you're not caught off-guard financially.

Finally, renting before you buy can be a game-changer, allowing you to truly experience a location before making a permanent move.

Remember, downsizing is more than a change in square footage; it's a step towards a more simplified, fulfilling lifestyle.

Embrace this transition with careful planning and an open mind, and you'll pave the way for a comfortable, enjoyable retirement.

About the Author

About the Author

I'm Taylor Kovar, the driving force behind Kovar Wealth Management in Lufkin, Texas.

My journey, from a healthcare technology executive to an investment advisor at Merrill Lynch, has uniquely positioned me to guide retirees through their financial journeys, especially in downsizing.

With my experience and personal insights, I focus on aligning financial strategies with lifestyle changes and emotional well-being during retirement.

If you're considering downsizing or navigating retirement transitions, I'm here to help. Let's create a plan that not only manages your finances but also enhances your life in retirement.

Reach out to me at [email protected] or call 936-899-5629 for personalized, expert advice that makes your retirement years truly golden.

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