Construction Bonds

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on July 13, 2023

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What Are Construction Bonds?

Construction bonds, also known as contract bonds, are a form of surety bonds. They are utilized in the construction industry as a risk mitigation tool, safeguarding the interests of key stakeholders.

The fundamental role of these bonds is to ensure that contractors fulfill their obligations as defined in the construction contract. These obligations could range from timely completion of the project to the payment of subcontractors and suppliers.

They are strategic financial tools that contribute to the stability and growth of an investment portfolio.

Construction projects are notoriously risky; they're susceptible to cost overruns, delays, and contractual disputes.

Construction bonds act as a buffer against these risks, providing a sense of security to investors.

For instance, should a contractor fail to fulfill their obligations, the surety steps in, thus preventing a potential loss for the project owner.

Types of Construction Bonds

Bid Bonds

A bid bond is the initial step in the bonding process. It guarantees that if a contractor wins a bid, they will enter into a contract and provide the required performance and payment bonds.

This type of bond is crucial as it safeguards project owners from contractors who may retract their bids after winning.

This bond offers dual benefits. Firstly, it ensures contractors present serious and realistic bids. Secondly, it provides assurance to project owners that the selected contractor will fulfill the contract at the bid price.

Performance Bonds

Performance bonds kick into action once a contract has been awarded to a contractor. These bonds protect the project owner against the risk of the contractor failing to complete the project as per the terms outlined in the contract.

In the event of default, the surety company has an obligation to either financially compensate the project owner or find another contractor to complete the job. Thus, it ensures the completion of the project despite unforeseen circumstances.

Payment Bonds

Payment bonds are essentially a safety net for subcontractors, laborers, and suppliers involved in a construction project. They assure that the contractor will pay all parties as per the contractual agreement.

It's a significant aspect of the construction industry, primarily because many third-party entities are dependent on the contractor for their income.

In case the contractor fails to pay these entities, the surety company would cover the payment, ensuring that all parties involved are compensated.

Maintenance Bonds

Maintenance bonds come into play after a construction project is completed. They offer a warranty period during which the contractor must correct any defects or faults that occur.

The duration of this warranty period and what exactly is covered can vary widely between different bonds and contracts.

These bonds bring assurance to project owners that any post-construction issues will be addressed. Furthermore, they protect against losses due to defective workmanship or materials used during the construction phase.

Subdivision Bonds

Subdivision bonds, unlike the other types of bonds discussed earlier, are specifically meant for public projects. They are required when a contractor intends to build or modify public structures within a private property.

These bonds assure the local authorities that the contractor will complete the public projects as per the municipality's requirements.

This type of bond offers a unique benefit. It enables contractors to undertake public projects, therefore diversifying their portfolio and showcasing their ability to handle a variety of projects.

Type of Construction Bonds

Key Parties Involved in Construction Bonds


The obligee is the party that requires the bond. Typically, in construction projects, the obligee is the project owner. They are the beneficiaries of the bond, and the bond safeguards their interests in case the principal fails to meet the contract's requirements.

The obligee is protected against the risk of financial loss due to the principal's failure to fulfill the contractual obligations. The bonds ensure that the obligee receives the project as promised or gets financial compensation in case of default.


The principal is usually the contractor who is required to post the bond. The bond acts as a guarantee that the principal will abide by the terms and conditions of the contract.

The principal’s obligations could include timely completion of the project, proper payment to subcontractors and suppliers, and honoring any maintenance period after the project's completion.

Should the principal fail to meet these obligations, they are responsible for compensating the obligee and the surety company.

This factor makes construction bonds an essential tool in encouraging responsible business practices in the construction industry.


The surety company issues the bond and acts as the guarantor, ensuring that the principal will fulfill the contract's obligations. In the event of a claim by the obligee, the surety investigates the validity of the claim.

If the principal defaults, the surety is obligated to compensate the obligee or arrange for contract completion.

By providing a financial backup to the contract, the surety contributes significantly to the credibility and reliability of the principal.

It acts as an intermediary that bridges the gap between the obligee and the principal, promoting trust and confidence in the contractual agreement.

Process of Obtaining Construction Bonds


The process of obtaining construction bonds starts with prequalification. This stage involves the surety company evaluating the principal's ability to meet the obligations of the proposed contract.

The surety scrutinizes various factors such as the principal's experience, financial stability, reputation, and bonding capacity.

Prequalification acts as a filter, ensuring only capable and competent contractors enter the bond agreement. It offers an assurance to the obligee that the principal has been thoroughly assessed and deemed capable of undertaking the project.


Once the prequalification is successful, the next step is the bond application. The principal needs to provide extensive information about the company, the project, and its financial condition.

This information could include business financial statements, personal financial statements of the owners, bank references, a list of current projects, and a copy of the contract, among others.

The application process aims to gather comprehensive information about the principal's capacity and integrity. It provides a basis for the surety company to make an informed decision about whether or not to issue the bond.


Underwriting involves a detailed assessment of the principal's application by the surety. The surety company, based on its underwriting guidelines, evaluates the risks associated with issuing the bond.

It involves a deep analysis of the principal's past performance, financial health, technical capabilities, and managerial competence.

The underwriting process offers a further level of assurance to the obligee, as the surety takes on the responsibility of the contract's successful completion.

Additionally, it ensures that only those contracts that meet the stringent risk assessment criteria of the surety are bonded.


After successful underwriting, the bond is issued. It signifies the beginning of the principal's obligation as per the bond.

The issuance of the bond provides a formal seal of approval that the contractor is capable of undertaking the project and fulfilling its requirements.

Issuance is the culmination of a thorough assessment process and sets the stage for the commencement of the project.

It provides a sense of security and confidence to all parties involved in the construction project.

Benefits of Construction Bonds

Risk Mitigation

Risk mitigation is a crucial advantage of construction bonds. They offer a financial safety net to project owners against contractor's non-performance or default. They ensure that subcontractors, laborers, and suppliers get their due payments.

In the context of wealth management, these bonds protect investors' capital from potential losses in the construction industry. They enable investment diversification into the construction sector while keeping the risks at bay.

Enhanced Credibility and Reputation

Construction bonds also enhance the credibility and reputation of the principal. Bonded contractors are perceived as reliable and trustworthy as they have been thoroughly vetted by the surety company.

They have successfully passed the stringent prequalification process and demonstrated their competence and financial stability.

For wealth managers, investing in projects with bonded contractors improves the credibility of their investment portfolio. It demonstrates their commitment to risk management and their preference for reliable and competent partners.

Increased Access to Projects and Contracts

Construction bonds often serve as a prerequisite for many public and private construction projects. They increase contractors' access to more projects and contracts.

Furthermore, they enable contractors to bid on larger projects, thereby expanding their business potential.

From a wealth management perspective, investing in bonded contractors means access to high-value projects, potentially leading to higher returns. The bonds open doors to a wide array of investment opportunities in the construction industry.

Financial Protection for Obligees

Construction bonds offer financial protection to obligees. They safeguard project owners' interests by ensuring the project's successful completion, adherence to the project's terms and conditions, and payment to all parties involved.

This financial protection extends to investors as well. In case of any disruptions in the project, the bonds ensure that the investors' capital is safe. They offer a level of financial stability, which is a desirable attribute in wealth management.

Risks of Construction Bonds

Bond Defaults

Bond defaults represent a significant risk in construction bonds. A default occurs when the principal fails to fulfill the contractual obligations, leading to a potential financial loss for the obligee and the surety.

However, it's important to note that the surety company investigates the validity of the default claim before making any payments.

While construction bonds act as a risk mitigation tool, the risk of default cannot be entirely eliminated. Hence, investors need to consider this aspect while incorporating these bonds into their wealth management strategies.

Potential Loss of Collateral

The principal might need to provide collateral to secure the bond, particularly for high-risk projects or in cases where the principal has a weak financial condition. If the principal defaults, the collateral could be used to repay the obligee and the surety.

The potential loss of collateral represents a risk for the principal. For investors, this risk translates into possible financial instability of the contractor, potentially affecting the project's successful completion.

Impact on Creditworthiness

Construction bonds can also have an impact on the principal's creditworthiness. The surety company assesses the principal's financial health during the underwriting process.

If a principal has several bonds, their debt load may increase, potentially affecting their credit score and financial stability.

This factor could impact investors, as a principal with a high debt load and low credit score may struggle to secure necessary funding for the project. It underscores the importance of a comprehensive financial analysis of the contractor before investment.

Benefits and Risks of Construction Bonds

Considerations for Choosing Construction Bonds

Surety Company Reputation and Financial Strength

The reputation and financial strength of the surety company are important considerations when choosing construction bonds.

The surety's financial strength is critical as it guarantees the financial compensation in case of the principal's default. A reputable surety also ensures a fair and impartial investigation in case of a default claim.

For investors, associating with a strong and reputable surety company enhances the credibility of their investment. It assures them of the financial backup in case things go awry.

Bond Limit and Cost

The bond limit and cost are other critical factors to consider. The bond limit should be sufficient to cover the full contract price. The bond cost, usually a percentage of the bond amount, should be competitive and within the principal's budget.

From an investment viewpoint, the bond limit and cost influence the financial feasibility of the project. Investors should ensure that the bond limit adequately covers the project cost and the bond premium doesn't burden the principal's financial health.

Specific Bond Requirements

Different projects have specific bond requirements, including the types of bonds needed, the bond amount, and the bond form. The principal should ensure they meet these requirements to qualify for the project.

For investors, the specific bond requirements provide insight into the risk profile of the project. They help investors make informed decisions and align their investment strategies with the project's risk level.

Factors Influencing Construction Bond Rates

Project Size and Complexity

The size and complexity of the project are major determinants of construction bond rates. Large and complex projects entail higher risks, leading to higher bond rates.

The surety company assesses these factors during the underwriting process to determine the bond rate.

For wealth managers, understanding these factors is essential to evaluate the potential return on investment.

Higher bond rates may imply higher risks, which need to be balanced against the potential returns.

Contractor's Experience and Financial Stability

The contractor's experience and financial stability significantly influence the bond rates. Contractors with a proven track record of successful project completion and robust financial health are likely to enjoy lower bond rates.

These factors also serve as indicators of the contractor's reliability and competence. For investors, they provide a measure of the contractor's ability to successfully complete the project and fulfill the contractual obligations.

Bonding History

The contractor's bonding history also affects the bond rates. Contractors with a history of bond claims or defaults are seen as high risk, leading to higher bond rates. On the other hand, a clean bonding history signifies lower risk and attracts lower bond rates.

Investors should consider the contractor's bonding history while making investment decisions. It provides insights into the contractor's past performance and their likelihood of fulfilling their future obligations.

Economic Conditions

Economic conditions, such as market trends, interest rates, and industry-specific conditions, also influence construction bond rates.

For instance, during an economic downturn, the risks in the construction industry may increase, leading to higher bond rates.

Understanding the economic conditions helps investors gauge the macro-level risks associated with the investment. It enables them to align their investment strategies with the prevailing economic environment.


Construction bonds ensure that the contractor fulfills the contractual obligations and provide financial protection to the project owner and other stakeholders in the construction industry.

Obtaining construction bonds involves a meticulous process including prequalification, application, underwriting, and issuance. The surety company carries out an extensive evaluation of the principal's competence and financial health before issuing the bond.

Construction bonds offer several benefits, such as risk mitigation, enhanced credibility, increased access to projects, and financial protection. However, they also entail risks, including bond defaults, potential loss of collateral, and impact on creditworthiness.

When selecting construction bonds, consider factors such as the surety company's reputation and financial strength, bond limit and cost, and specific bond requirements for the project.

Construction Bonds FAQs

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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