Liberty Bond

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on July 12, 2023

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What Is a Liberty Bond?

A Liberty Bond is a government-issued war bond that was sold in the United States to support the war effort during World War I.

These bonds were designed to finance the war and were purchased by American citizens, who lent their money to the government in return for the promise of repayment with interest.

Liberty Bonds were an essential component of the war financing strategy and played a significant role in strengthening the U.S. economy during the war.

Historical Context of Liberty Bonds: World War I

The first World War, also known as the Great War, began in 1914 and lasted until 1918. It involved several major world powers, including the United States, which entered the war in 1917.

As the U.S. mobilized its resources to fight against the Central Powers, the government needed to secure funding to support the military and maintain the home front.

Liberty Bonds emerged as a crucial financial tool for the U.S. government to fund the war and engage the public in the national war effort.

Purpose of Liberty Bonds

The primary purpose of Liberty Bonds was to raise funds for the United States to finance the war effort during World War I.

By purchasing these bonds, American citizens were essentially lending their money to the government, which would then use the funds to cover the expenses related to the war, such as military equipment, salaries, and supplies.

Additionally, Liberty Bonds served to boost patriotism, engage the public in the war effort, and promote a sense of national unity.

Issuance of Liberty Bonds

United States Government Involvement

Treasury Department

The U.S. Treasury Department played a central role in the issuance and management of Liberty Bonds. It was responsible for determining the interest rates, terms, and overall structure of the bonds.

The Treasury Department also oversaw the promotion and sale of the bonds through various channels, including banks, post offices, and other financial institutions.

War Finance Committee

The War Finance Committee, established in April 1917, was another key player in the implementation of the Liberty Bond program.

Its primary function was to coordinate the efforts of various organizations and individuals to promote and sell the bonds across the country. This committee worked closely with the Treasury Department and local governments to ensure the success of the Liberty Bond campaigns.

Series of Liberty Bonds

First Liberty Loan

The first series of Liberty Bonds, known as the First Liberty Loan, was issued on June 15, 1917. The bonds had a 30-year maturity and an interest rate of 3.5%. The First Liberty Loan aimed to raise $2 billion, but due to strong demand, it raised approximately $3 billion.

Second Liberty Loan

The Second Liberty Loan was issued on October 1, 1917, with a higher interest rate of 4% and a 25-year maturity. This series aimed to raise $3 billion, and it successfully reached its target.

Third Liberty Loan

The Third Liberty Loan was issued on April 5, 1918. This series offered a 4.5% interest rate and a 10-year maturity. With a target of $3 billion, the Third Liberty Loan surpassed its goal, raising over $4 billion.

Fourth Liberty Loan

The Fourth Liberty Loan was issued on September 28, 1918, with a 4.25% interest rate and a 20-year maturity. The goal for this series was to raise $6 billion, and it successfully met its target.

Victory Liberty Loan

The Victory Liberty Loan, issued on April 21, 1919, marked the final series of Liberty Bonds. This series featured a 4.75% interest rate and a 5-year maturity. The Victory Liberty Loan aimed to raise $4.5 billion and successfully reached this goal, ultimately raising over $5 billion.

Series of Liberty Bonds

Interest Rates and Terms

Interest rates for Liberty Bonds varied between 3.5% and 4.75%, depending on the series. The maturities of the bonds ranged from 5 to 30 years.

The Treasury Department determined the interest rates and terms for each series based on market conditions and the government's financial needs.

Investors received interest payments semi-annually, and the bonds could be redeemed at maturity or, in some cases, earlier at the bondholder's request.

Sale and Distribution

Advertising Campaigns

The U.S. government employed extensive advertising campaigns to promote the sale of Liberty Bonds. These campaigns employed various media, including newspapers, posters, films, and even public speeches.

The government also engaged artists, celebrities, and other notable figures to create captivating and persuasive advertisements that encouraged Americans to purchase the bonds.

Prominent Supporters and Promoters

Many prominent individuals and organizations supported and promoted the sale of Liberty Bonds. Some notable supporters included Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, and Al Jolson, who used their star power to encourage Americans to purchase the bonds.

Additionally, organizations such as the American Red Cross, the Boy Scouts of America, and the YMCA actively promoted and sold the bonds.

Community Involvement

Community involvement was crucial to the success of the Liberty Bond campaigns.

Local governments, businesses, civic organizations, and schools organized various events and initiatives to raise awareness and sell the bonds. Some examples include parades, bond rallies, and door-to-door canvassing.

Impact of Liberty Bonds

Financing the War Effort

Liberty Bonds played a significant role in financing the U.S. war effort during World War I. The five series of bonds raised over $17 billion, which helped cover the cost of military equipment, supplies, and salaries.

The bond campaigns enabled the United States to maintain its military and economic strength during the war, ultimately contributing to the Allied victory.

Economic Effects


The massive influx of funds from Liberty Bonds resulted in inflation during and after the war. The increased demand for goods and services, combined with a limited supply, drove up prices across the economy.

This inflation had both short-term and long-term consequences, affecting the cost of living and the value of money.

Post-War Debt

While Liberty Bonds helped finance the war effort, they also contributed to the accumulation of significant post-war debt.

As the government issued more bonds and incurred more debt, it needed to allocate a substantial portion of its budget to interest payments, which impacted its ability to fund other programs and initiatives.

Social and Cultural Impact


Liberty Bonds fostered a sense of patriotism and national unity among Americans during World War I. By purchasing the bonds, citizens felt that they were contributing to the war effort and supporting their country.

The bond campaigns also promoted the idea that every citizen had a role to play in the war, whether on the battlefield or at home.

Women's Involvement in the Workforce

As men left for war, women stepped into the workforce in unprecedented numbers. Many women took jobs in industries related to the production and sale of Liberty Bonds, such as banking and finance.

This shift helped change public attitudes toward women in the workforce and set the stage for greater gender equality in the years to come.

Changing Public Attitudes Toward Government Bonds

The success of Liberty Bonds helped change public attitudes toward government-issued bonds as a reliable and patriotic investment.

Many Americans came to view bonds as a way to support their country and protect their financial future, paving the way for the popularity of government bonds in the decades to come.

Impact of Liberty Bonds

Legacy of Liberty Bonds

Transition to Other Government Securities

Treasury Bonds

Following World War I, Liberty Bonds were replaced by other government securities, such as Treasury Bonds.

These bonds, also known as long-term government bonds, are issued with maturities ranging from 10 to 30 years and pay interest semi-annually. Treasury Bonds have become a popular investment vehicle for individual and institutional investors alike.

Treasury Bills

In addition to Treasury Bonds, the U.S. government introduced Treasury Bills, short-term debt securities with maturities ranging from a few days to 52 weeks.

These securities are sold at a discount to face value and do not pay interest; instead, investors receive the full face value at maturity.

Treasury Bills have become a widely used instrument for managing short-term cash needs and investing in a low-risk asset.

Savings Bonds

Building on the popularity of Liberty Bonds, the U.S. government introduced Savings Bonds, which are non-marketable securities designed for individual investors.

Savings Bonds, such as the Series EE and Series I bonds, are sold at face value and accrue interest over time. They have become a popular savings vehicle for many Americans, particularly for long-term goals like education and retirement.

Influence on Future War Financing

World War II

The experience with Liberty Bonds during World War I influenced the U.S. government's approach to war financing during World War II.

In 1941, the government launched the sale of War Bonds, which were similar in purpose and structure to Liberty Bonds. War Bonds helped raise billions of dollars to finance the U.S. war effort and engaged the public in the national cause.

Cold War Era

During the Cold War, the United States continued to rely on government bonds as a means of financing its defense and military initiatives.

The government issued various types of bonds and securities to raise funds and maintain its economic stability during this period of global tension.

Final Thoughts

Liberty Bonds played a crucial role in financing the United States' war effort during World War I. They raised over $17 billion, which was used to fund military equipment, supplies, and salaries.

The bonds also served to boost patriotism, engage the public in the war effort, and promote a sense of national unity.

The success of the Liberty Bond program laid the foundation for the development and growth of various government securities in the following decades.

The legacy of Liberty Bonds endures in the form of Treasury Bonds, Treasury Bills, and Savings Bonds, which have become popular investment vehicles for individual and institutional investors.

The experience with Liberty Bonds also influenced the U.S. government's approach to war financing in subsequent conflicts, such as World War II and the Cold War.

Moreover, the bonds played a significant role in shaping public attitudes toward government-issued securities, fostering a sense of patriotism and financial responsibility.

Liberty Bond FAQs

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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