Lagging Indicator

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on July 19, 2023

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Definition of a Lagging Indicator

A Lagging Indicator is a financial metric that reflects economic shifts after they have already started to follow a particular pattern or trend.

These indicators are predominantly used in finance to confirm a market pattern, making them an essential tool for examining historical data, verifying specific trends, and offering insights into the health of a market or economy.

As financial technology advances, the use and interpretation of lagging indicators are poised to evolve.

Innovations like artificial intelligence and machine learning may provide a more nuanced analysis of lagging indicators, rendering them even more accurate and efficient.

Despite not being predictive, their reliability in affirming market movements renders lagging indicators a vital tool in financial analysis, the significance of which is expected to burgeon with technological advancements.

Purpose and Use of Lagging Indicators in Finance

In finance, lagging indicators are primarily used to confirm the pattern that a market is following.

They are valuable tools for examining historical data, confirming the occurrence of specific trends, and providing information for analyzing the health of a market or economy.

Characteristics of Lagging Indicators

Characteristics of Lagging Indicators

Timing of Lagging Indicators

Unlike leading indicators, which aim to predict changes in the market, lagging indicators only move after the market has already changed. They essentially provide a look into the past, and offer insights after market movements occur.

Dependability of Lagging Indicators

While lagging indicators may not be effective for predicting future market trends, they are generally more accurate and reliable than leading indicators. This is because they are based on confirmed data and actual market changes.

Limitations of Lagging Indicators

Despite their reliability, lagging indicators also have their limitations. Since they only move after the market has already shifted, they are less useful for predicting future market movements.

Examples of Lagging Indicators

Specific Lagging Indicators in Finance

There are several lagging indicators commonly used in finance, including the Consumer Price Index (CPI), unemployment rates, and corporate profits. These indicators reflect changes in the market and economy after they have occurred.

Detailed Examination of Common Lagging Indicators

For instance, the CPI reflects changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services. It is a lagging indicator because it only changes after the prices of goods and services have already changed.

Case Studies Utilizing Lagging Indicators

Many investors and analysts have successfully used lagging indicators to confirm market trends and make informed investment decisions.

For example, during the 2008 financial crisis, lagging indicators such as corporate profits and unemployment rates confirmed the severity of the economic downturn.

Lagging Indicators and Market Trends

Lagging Indicators in Bullish Markets

In a bullish market, lagging indicators like corporate profits and unemployment rates may show positive trends. These trends can confirm the health and strength of the bullish market.

Lagging Indicators in Bearish Markets

Conversely, in bearish markets, lagging indicators may show negative trends. For example, corporate profits may decline, and unemployment rates may rise, confirming the bearish trend.

Lagging Indicators in Sideways Markets

In sideways markets, lagging indicators may not show clear trends. This can make it more difficult to ascertain the health and direction of the market.

Comparing Lagging Indicators and Leading Indicators

Differences Between Lagging and Leading Indicators

The main difference between lagging and leading indicators lies in their timing. Leading indicators aim to predict future market movements, while lagging indicators only move after the market has already changed.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Type

Both types of indicators have their strengths and weaknesses. Leading indicators can be useful for predicting future market trends, but they are less reliable and can often provide false signals.

Lagging indicators, on the other hand, are more reliable but are less useful for prediction.

Choosing Between Lagging and Leading Indicators

The choice between using lagging or leading indicators often depends on an investor's strategy and goals.

For those looking to confirm market trends, lagging indicators can be very useful. For those looking to predict future market movements, leading indicators may be more appropriate.

Practical Application of Lagging Indicators

Using Lagging Indicators in Investment Strategy

Lagging indicators can play a critical role in an investment strategy by providing confirmation of market trends. For instance, an investor might use a rise in corporate profits as a lagging indicator to confirm a bullish market trend.

Integrating Lagging Indicators in Technical Analysis

In technical analysis, lagging indicators like moving averages can be used to confirm trend patterns. For instance, a trader might look for a moving average to cross above the price line as a lagging confirmation of a bullish trend.

Future Developments in the Use of Lagging Indicators

Technological Advances and Their Impact on Lagging Indicators

As financial technology continues to advance, the use of lagging indicators is likely to evolve as well. For instance, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies could be used to analyze a wider range of lagging indicators and provide more nuanced insights.

Expected Trends in the Use of Lagging Indicators

As investors and traders continue to seek more reliable methods of analyzing market trends, the use of lagging indicators is likely to remain prevalent.

Furthermore, as more sophisticated financial technology tools become available, the ability to analyze and interpret lagging indicators may become even more accurate and efficient.


A lagging indicator is a financial tool that provides data about economic events after they've already occurred.

They serve to confirm and validate market trends, and while they do not provide predictive power, their reliability in providing accurate, historical data renders them indispensable in financial analysis.

Used commonly in sectors like finance and investment, these indicators help solidify economic analyses, offer insights into market health, and can inform strategic decisions.

Looking ahead, lagging indicators are likely to maintain a prominent role, even as financial technology continues to advance.

With the incorporation of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can anticipate a future where lagging indicators are analyzed more efficiently and accurately, providing even more profound insights into financial market trends.

Lagging Indicator FAQs

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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