Three White Soldiers


Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on July 24, 2023

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Definition of Three White Soldiers

Three White Soldiers is a bullish reversal pattern commonly observed in candlestick charting. It consists of three consecutive bullish candles, typically seen as an indication of a potential trend reversal from a downtrend to an uptrend.

This pattern suggests a shift in market sentiment from bearish to bullish, with each candle symbolizing increased buying pressure and a continuation of upward momentum.

Understanding and recognizing the Three White Soldiers pattern is essential for wealth managers and traders. This pattern provides valuable insights into potential trend reversals, allowing investors to capitalize on emerging bullish opportunities.

By identifying Three White Soldiers, wealth managers can make informed decisions regarding portfolio adjustments, entry points for long positions, and profit-taking strategies.

This pattern can help enhance trading strategies, improve risk management, and increase the probability of successful trades in various financial markets.

Characteristics of Three White Soldiers

Appearance and Structure

Three White Soldiers is characterized by the consecutive formation of three bullish candles. Each candle typically opens within the previous candle's body and closes higher, creating a stair-step pattern of higher highs and higher lows.

The consecutive nature of the pattern visually demonstrates the increasing dominance of buyers and a shift in market sentiment towards bullishness.

Candlestick Body and Color

The body of each candle in the Three White Soldiers pattern is relatively long, indicating a significant price range during the trading period. The color of the candles is typically white or green, signifying upward price movement and positive market sentiment.

The longer the bodies of the candles, the stronger the buying pressure and the more significant the potential trend reversal.

Consecutive Bullish Candles

The key characteristic of the Three White Soldiers pattern is the consecutive formation of three bullish candles. The consecutive nature of these candles highlights the persistence of buying pressure and suggests a strong bullish sentiment in the market.

The absence of bearish candles within the pattern reinforces the notion that sellers are losing control, and buyers are gaining dominance.

Characteristics Of Three White Soldiers

Interpretation of Three White Soldiers

Bullish Reversal Pattern

The Three White Soldiers pattern is widely recognized as a bullish reversal pattern. It occurs after a downtrend, signaling a potential shift in market sentiment from bearish to bullish.

The consecutive formation of three bullish candles reflects a growing buyer presence and a potential end to the selling pressure.

This pattern suggests that buyers are taking control and driving the price higher, potentially initiating a new uptrend.

Confirmation of Uptrend

In addition to being a bullish reversal pattern, Three White Soldiers also acts as a confirmation of an existing uptrend. When this pattern occurs within an ongoing uptrend, it indicates a continuation of bullish momentum.

The consecutive formation of three bullish candles reinforces the upward price movement and suggests that buyers remain in control.

This confirmation can be particularly useful for traders seeking to validate their analysis and make informed decisions based on the prevailing trend.

Market Sentiment and Buying Pressure

The formation of Three White Soldiers reflects a significant shift in market sentiment. It signifies a transition from a bearish sentiment, characterized by selling pressure, to a bullish sentiment, driven by increased buying pressure.

The consecutive bullish candles represent the growing dominance of buyers, indicating a willingness to push the price higher.

This shift in sentiment can provide valuable insights into market dynamics and help traders gauge the strength of the current bullish momentum.

Three White Soldiers Formation Criteria

Candlestick Requirements

To identify a valid Three White Soldiers pattern, certain criteria must be met. Firstly, the pattern should consist of three consecutive bullish candles, with each candle closing higher than the previous one.

The bodies of the candles should be relatively long, indicating significant price movement during the trading periods. The size and shape of the bodies should remain consistent within the pattern.

Trend Confirmation

The Three White Soldiers pattern is most reliable when it occurs within a downtrend, serving as a reversal signal. Traders should look for a clear and well-established downtrend preceding the formation of the pattern.

The presence of a downtrend provides context and strengthens the potential bullish reversal signaled by the Three White Soldiers.

Volume Considerations

While not a strict requirement, volume considerations can provide additional confirmation for the Three White Soldiers pattern. Ideally, the volume should increase with each bullish candle, indicating a surge in buying activity.

Higher volume suggests increased market participation and reinforces the strength of the bullish sentiment implied by the pattern.

Advantages of Three White Soldiers

Clear Bullish Signal

The Three White Soldiers pattern provides a clear and easily recognizable bullish signal. The consecutive formation of three bullish candles indicates a strong shift in market sentiment from bearish to bullish.

This pattern offers traders a straightforward visual confirmation of potential trend reversals or continuations.

Strong Confirmation of Uptrend

When the Three White Soldiers pattern occurs within an existing uptrend, it serves as a strong confirmation of the ongoing bullish momentum. The consecutive bullish candles reaffirm the prevailing trend and suggest that buyers remain in control.

This confirmation can provide traders with increased confidence in their analysis and encourage further participation in the uptrend.

Potential Early Entry Opportunities

For traders seeking early entry opportunities, the Three White Soldiers pattern can be valuable. As a reversal pattern, it often emerges at the beginning of a new uptrend, indicating a potential shift in market sentiment.

Recognizing this pattern early on allows traders to position themselves ahead of the broader market and potentially capture significant price movements as the new uptrend unfolds.

Disadvantages of Three White Soldiers

Potential False Signals

Like any technical analysis pattern, the Three White Soldiers can produce false signals. Traders should exercise caution and use additional confirmation tools or indicators to validate the pattern.

False signals may occur when the pattern forms within a volatile market environment or lacks the necessary supporting factors to sustain a trend reversal.

Limited Use in Sideways Markets

The Three White Soldiers pattern is most effective in trending markets, specifically during downtrends or as a confirmation of existing uptrends.

In sideways or range-bound markets, where prices oscillate within a narrow range, the pattern may not provide meaningful insights or clear signals. Traders should be mindful of market conditions and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Confirmation With Other Indicators Needed

While the Three White Soldiers pattern is a powerful tool on its own, traders often use it in conjunction with other technical indicators or analysis methods.

This approach helps to strengthen the reliability of signals and reduce the potential for false interpretations.

Combining the pattern with other indicators, such as moving averages or trendlines, can provide a more comprehensive view of the market and enhance decision-making.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Three White Soldiers

Strategies for Incorporating Three White Soldiers

Bullish Reversal Confirmation

When the Three White Soldiers pattern occurs after a downtrend, traders can use it as a confirmation of a potential bullish reversal.

This confirmation can be supplemented by additional technical indicators or analysis tools to validate the reversal signal further. Traders may consider waiting for a close above a key resistance level or an increase in trading volume to confirm the reversal.

Trend Reversal Entry and Exit Points

For traders seeking to capitalize on potential trend reversals, the Three White Soldiers pattern can offer entry and exit points. When the pattern emerges, traders may consider entering long positions, anticipating the beginning of a new uptrend.

Stop-loss orders can be placed below the pattern's low to manage risk. Additionally, traders may use other technical indicators or price targets to determine exit points and take profits as the new uptrend progresses.

Risk Management and Stop Loss Placement

Incorporating proper risk management techniques is crucial when utilizing the Three White Soldiers pattern. Traders should determine appropriate stop-loss levels to protect against potential downside risks.

By placing stop-loss orders below the pattern's low or previous support levels, traders can limit losses if the anticipated trend reversal fails to materialize. Risk-to-reward ratios should also be considered to ensure that potential profits outweigh potential losses.


The Three White Soldiers pattern consists of three consecutive bullish candles, indicating a shift in market sentiment from bearish to bullish.

The consecutive formation of these candles represents increased buying pressure and a potential end to the selling pressure.

The pattern offers a clear bullish signal, providing traders with an easily recognizable pattern that suggests potential trend reversals.

It also acts as a strong confirmation of existing uptrends, reinforcing the prevailing bullish momentum and enabling traders to make more informed decisions.

Proper risk management, such as setting stop-loss orders and considering risk-to-reward ratios, is crucial when utilizing the Three White Soldiers pattern.

Traders can use this pattern in conjunction with other technical indicators or analysis methods to strengthen the reliability of signals and reduce the potential for false interpretations.

Three White Soldiers FAQs


About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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