Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP)

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on January 21, 2024

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Definition of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP)

Asset-Backed Commercial Paper is a form of short-term investment, typically maturing within 270 days, issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV).

It's not backed by the creditworthiness of the issuing institution but by an array of underlying assets like auto loans, mortgages, and credit card receivables.

The market is diverse, featuring types of ABCP such as fully supported, partially supported, multi-seller, and single-seller ABCP, each catering to different risk tolerances and investment objectives.

The risk and return profile of ABCP is distinctive. While yields are generally higher than those of unsecured commercial paper or Treasury bills, ABCP carries inherent credit, liquidity, and market risks.

Therefore, an informed understanding of these characteristics is essential when considering investment in the ABCP market.

History and Evolution of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

The Origin of ABCP

ABCP emerged in the mid-1980s as a response to corporate America's growing demand for innovative and flexible short-term financing alternatives.

The first ABCP program was initiated by the American auto industry, which sought to separate their high-quality auto loan receivables from the more volatile aspects of their businesses.

The Evolution and Growth of ABCP Over the Years

Over the years, the ABCP market has grown exponentially, driven by the increasing participation of financial institutions and the broadening range of assets backing the papers. This growth was further spurred by the low interest rate environment and financial innovation, which widened the scope of assets that could be securitized.

Impact of Financial Crises on ABCP

Financial crises often expose the vulnerabilities of various financial instruments, and ABCP was no exception.

The 2007-2008 global financial crisis highlighted structural weaknesses in the ABCP market, including over-reliance on short-term funding, lack of transparency, and insufficient risk assessment. As a result, ABCP experienced significant contraction in the aftermath of the crisis.

Mechanics of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

The Structure of an ABCP Program

An Asset-Backed Commercial Paper program typically involves a sponsoring financial institution setting up a special purpose vehicle or conduit.

The SPV purchases assets from the sponsor or other sellers and finances these purchases by issuing ABCP to investors. The SPV is bankruptcy-remote, meaning its assets and liabilities are separate from those of the sponsoring institution.

Parties Involved in ABCP Transactions: Issuers, Investors, and Sponsors

Three key parties are involved in ABCP transactions: the issuers, the investors, and the sponsors.

The sponsor, usually a commercial bank or other financial institution, sets up the SPV, arranges for the purchase of assets, and provides liquidity and credit enhancement support.

Investors are typically institutional investors seeking short-term, asset-backed investment opportunities.

The Process of Creating ABCP

Creating ABCP involves several steps. First, the sponsor identifies a pool of assets for securitization.

The assets are then transferred to the SPV, which finances the purchase by issuing ABCP. The cash flow generated by the underlying assets is used to pay the principal and interest to the ABCP holders upon maturity.

Types of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper


Fully Supported ABCP

Fully supported ABCP programs are those where the sponsor provides 100% credit and liquidity support. This means that the sponsor commits to covering any shortfalls between the cash flows from the underlying assets and the amount due to the ABCP holders.

Partially Supported ABCP

In partially supported ABCP programs, the sponsor provides less than 100% credit and liquidity support.

The rest of the risk is borne by the investors, who must rely on the performance of the underlying assets to recover their investment. This structure allows for greater potential returns but comes with higher risk.

Multi-Seller and Single-Seller ABCP

Multi-seller ABCP programs involve multiple sellers selling assets into the SPV, providing a diversified asset pool. Single-seller programs, on the other hand, involve only one seller, often the sponsor, selling assets to the SPV.

While multi-seller programs offer more diversification, single-seller programs may provide more transparency to investors about the underlying assets.

Risk and Return Profile of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

Risk Characteristics of ABCP

Like all investments, ABCP carries risks. Credit risk arises if the underlying assets default or the sponsor fails to fulfil its support obligations.

Liquidity risk arises from the mismatch between the short-term maturity of the ABCP and the longer-term cash flows of the underlying assets.

Finally, market risk arises from changes in interest rates, exchange rates, or other market variables that affect the value of the ABCP or the underlying assets.

Potential Returns and Benefits of Investing in ABCP

Despite these risks, ABCP offers several potential returns and benefits. The yields are typically higher than those of unsecured commercial paper or Treasury bills, compensating for the additional risk.

Furthermore, ABCP provides diversification benefits due to the wide range of assets that can back the paper.

Asset-Backed Commercial Paper and the Regulatory Environment

Regulatory Oversight of ABCP

ABCP, like other securitized products, falls under the regulatory oversight of various agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Reserve.

These agencies enforce regulations concerning the issuance, rating, and disclosure of ABCP, aimed at promoting transparency and protecting investors.

Impact of Regulation on ABCP Market Dynamics

Regulations have significant impacts on ABCP market dynamics. For example, post-financial crisis regulations have increased transparency requirements and tightened the rules on risk retention and capital requirements for sponsors.

These regulations have led to a contraction in the ABCP market but have also contributed to a more resilient and transparent market.

Future Regulatory Considerations for ABCP

Regulatory considerations for ABCP in the future may include further enhancements to transparency and risk assessment requirements. There may also be increased scrutiny on the types of assets that can be securitized and the role of credit rating agencies in the ABCP market.

The Role of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper in Financial Crises

The ABCP Market During the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis

The ABCP market played a significant role in the 2007-2008 financial crisis. The excessive issuance of ABCP backed by low-quality assets, particularly subprime mortgages, and the subsequent defaults on these assets, contributed to the liquidity crunch and the broader financial turmoil.

Lessons Learned From ABCP Market Behavior in Financial Crises

The financial crisis provided several lessons about the ABCP market. It highlighted the importance of sound risk management practices, including thorough due diligence on the underlying assets and adequate support from sponsors.

It also underscored the need for transparency and regulatory oversight to promote market stability.

Future of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

Current Trends Influencing the ABCP Market

Current trends influencing the ABCP market include the low interest rate environment, which continues to drive demand for higher-yielding assets such as ABCP.

Technological advancements, particularly in the area of fintech, are also reshaping the ABCP market by providing new platforms for issuing and trading ABCP and novel types of assets for securitization.

Future Outlook and Predictions for the ABCP Market

Looking ahead, the ABCP market is expected to continue evolving in response to changes in the financial environment and regulatory landscape.

The trend towards greater transparency and risk management is likely to continue, potentially leading to a more resilient and efficient ABCP market. At the same time, the increasing integration of technology in finance may open up new opportunities and challenges for the ABCP market.


In conclusion, Asset-Backed Commercial Paper is a short-term investment instrument, backed by a diversified pool of assets, providing an effective tool for corporations to manage their short-term funding requirements.

The ABCP market is versatile, with fully supported, partially supported, multi-seller, and single-seller ABCP types catering to a variety of risk appetites and investment preferences. However, it's vital to understand the risk and return profile of ABCP.

While the yields are typically higher than those of unsecured commercial paper or Treasury bills, they come with credit, liquidity, and market risks.

Therefore, potential investors should undertake a comprehensive risk assessment before investing. The ABCP market, with its complexities and potential for high returns, underscores the importance of understanding the mechanics and risks of financial instruments.

Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) FAQs

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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