Minority Interest Discount

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on July 12, 2023

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What Is a Minority Interest Discount?

A minority interest discount refers to a reduction in the value of a minority ownership interest in a business due to the lack of control that a minority owner possesses.

This discount reflects the decreased value of an ownership stake that does not have the authority to influence business decisions or operations.

In business valuation, minority interest discounts are crucial for accurately assessing the value of minority ownership stakes.

This discount is essential to account for the differences between controlling and non-controlling ownership interests, providing a more accurate representation of an investment's worth.

Factors Influencing Minority Interest Discounts

Level of Control

The level of control a minority shareholder has over the business significantly impacts the value of their ownership interest. The less control an investor has, the higher the minority interest discount.

Size of Ownership Interest

The size of the ownership interest also influences the minority interest discount. Smaller stakes typically command higher discounts due to their limited ability to influence the business.

Marketability and Liquidity

Minority interests are often less marketable and liquid than controlling interests, which can lead to higher discounts. This is because minority shareholders may face challenges in finding buyers for their stakes or may need to sell at a reduced price.

Access to Information

Limited access to company information can also contribute to higher minority interest discounts. Minority shareholders may not receive the same level of financial or operational data as controlling shareholders, which can reduce the attractiveness of their investment.

Distribution of Profits

Minority shareholders may have limited ability to influence the distribution of profits, which can result in higher discounts. This factor can impact the perceived value of their investment, as it may be challenging to realize gains or recover their initial investment.


Valuation Methods to Calculate Minority Interest Discounts

Market Approach

Comparable Transactions Method

The comparable transactions method involves analyzing similar transactions in the market to determine an appropriate minority interest discount. This approach requires data on transactions involving minority stakes in comparable companies.

Guideline Public Company Method

The guideline public company method compares the subject company to publicly traded companies in the same industry. This approach relies on market data to calculate an appropriate minority interest discount based on observed discounts in public markets.

Income Approach

Discounted Cash Flow Method

The discounted cash flow method involves projecting the future cash flows of the business and discounting them back to the present value. To calculate the minority interest discount, this method adjusts the discount rate to reflect the lack of control associated with a minority stake.

Capitalization of Earnings Method

The capitalization of earnings method values a business by capitalizing its historical earnings. This approach considers the minority interest discount by adjusting the capitalization rate to account for the risks and limitations associated with minority ownership.

Minority Interest Discounts in Different Valuation Scenarios

Mergers and Acquisitions

In mergers and acquisitions, minority interest discounts can affect the transaction price, as buyers may be willing to pay less for a non-controlling stake.

Buy-Ins and Buyouts

Minority interest discounts are essential in buy-ins and buyouts, as they impact the value of the ownership interest being bought or sold.

Divorce Settlements

In divorce settlements, minority interest discounts can influence the division of assets, as they affect the value of any minority-owned business interests.

Estate and Gift Tax Planning

For estate and gift tax planning purposes, minority interest discounts may be necessary to accurately value minority-owned business interests for tax reporting.

Litigation Support

In litigation situations, minority interest discounts can be crucial in resolving disputes involving the valuation of minority-owned business interests.

Importance of Engaging a Valuation Professional

Expertise in Business Valuation

Engaging a valuation professional with expertise in business valuation ensures that the process of calculating minority interest discounts is accurate and reliable.

These professionals are skilled in applying the appropriate valuation methods and adjusting for the specific factors that impact minority ownership interests.

Understanding of Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Valuation professionals are knowledgeable about the regulatory and compliance issues surrounding business valuation, including the proper application of minority interest discounts.

Their expertise can help ensure that valuations adhere to the relevant guidelines and standards, minimizing the risk of disputes or challenges.

Access to Relevant Market Data

Valuation professionals have access to relevant market data, which is crucial for accurately determining minority interest discounts.

This data can provide insight into the discounts applied in comparable transactions and public markets, helping to support the valuation process and provide a strong foundation for the discount calculations.



The accurate calculation of minority interest discounts is essential in various valuation scenarios, including mergers and acquisitions, buy-ins and buyouts, divorce settlements, estate and gift tax planning, and litigation support.

These discounts ensure that the value of minority ownership interests is appropriately adjusted for the limitations and risks associated with non-controlling stakes.

Selecting the appropriate valuation approach and engaging a skilled valuation professional are critical for accurately calculating minority interest discounts.

By considering the specific factors that impact minority ownership interests and using the appropriate valuation methods, investors, business owners, and other stakeholders can better understand the true value of minority stakes in a business.

Minority Interest Discount FAQs

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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